Shepherd Color 3d Color Chart
iPad App

Custom iPad Application Renders Products in 3D and Reduces Time From Lead to Cash

Shepherd Color 3D Color Chart iPad App


Reduce the time from lead to cash


Red Hawk produced a 3D color chart for Shepherd Color to quickly locate pigments that meet their specific color, application and regulatory requirements. We deployed the software as a native iOS iPad application and a web-based solution – which allows the sales professional and prospect to visualize pigments in three dimensions. The vertical access is critical in determining the reflective quality of the pigment.


The 3D color chart provides a noteworthy sales advantage for Shepherd Color with:

  • Product selection and visualization in 3D.
  • The ability to log and compare with competitors.
  • Product specifications and sample requests.
  • Integration with ERP and CRM systems.
fast load time icon for Champion Window Appointment Scheduling App

Significant reduction in time from lead to cash

differentiation icon

Differentiation in competitive landscape