How do you know if your app idea is solid?
Put it to the test with a DIY workshop. This easy-to-follow presentation shows you how to:
- Define the required functionality
- Determine how it will benefit users
- Tease out the technology requirements
- Establish success criteria
- Take the next steps
The DIY Tech Innovation Workshop Presentation Includes:
Step-by-Step Instructions
Easy-to-follow workshop for both facilitator and attendees
Fully Functional Presentation
Everything you need: Just add sticky notes and markers!
Question Prompts
Practical, pointed questions help attendees zero in on important details
Tips For Moving Forward
Learn where to go next with your workshop outcomes
Behind The Presentation
Where could a new app or custom software take your company? Start the journey to new revenue streams or integrated systems. Ask the right questions with help from this free DIY tech innovation workshop put together by these experienced leaders in mobile and web app development.

Matt Strippelhoff
During his career, Matt has built an expansive portfolio of work in both traditional and interactive media. He’s designed and led the development of corporate intranets, extranets, e-commerce websites, content management tools, mobile applications and specialized interactive marketing programs for large and small business-to-business and business-to-consumer clientele.

Ron Dunlevy
As CTO, Ron leads Red Hawk’s developer corps and works closely with Matt Strippelhoff to identify opportunities for clients to automate workflows, manage data and integrate systems through web and mobile application development, thus improving efficiency and the clients' bottom line. He’s been developing applications for more than 20 years and has worked on most major platforms including Windows, Linux/Unix, and even AS/400s.